Whenever anyone faces charges for driving under the influence of alcohol, it is very important to hire an attorney from Spartacus Law Firm. This law firm can offer you a competent lawyer who can be very helpful to get you bail and also help you during the court proceedings.
In addition to that, this law firm can also provide you with a domestic violence lawyer if you are facing any domestic violence charge against you. The police in Los Angeles are highly trained in detecting if the driver happens to be under the alcohol influence. Likewise, prosecutors will be highly motivated to convert these DUI charges into convictions.
If you have no training and experience about the law, even if there is any reason to believe that you were not above the limits that are legally valid, there is a pretty good chance that most of you may get convicted in case you try to represent yourself. Only the right DUI lawyer is able to help you and fight against your DUI charge.
Often this defence may end up with a total dismissal of entire charges. Also, some other times, it can also be negotiating a certain plea for a much lesser charge. In some other times, it is possible that you can receive a much lesser penalty, like suspension of your license instead of spending time in prison.
Other factors
There are a number of ways that a DUI charge can be made more serious by adding aggravating elements or increasing the penalty that the offender may face if convicted. Other people’s injuries could turn a misdemeanour into a felony, and the severity of the crime could rise based on the extent of suffering the victim suffers.
In any state, property damage, death, or serious destruction could lead to additional charges or a misdemeanour becoming a felony. More serious offences, such as careless driving, endangering a kid, or manslaughter, will necessitate the assistance of a criminal defence attorney.
Negotiating on your behalf
The prosecution will most likely hope to persuade you to enter a guilty plea before your trial and may even try to pressurise you into doing so. Negotiating with any prosecutor can be challenging, especially when the serious penalties of a DUI are on the line.
You can, however, hire a DUI attorney to conduct the discussions on your behalf. Your counsel will point out the flaws in case of prosecution against you based on the evidence available. The better the settlement you can expect, the worse the prosecutor’s case is.
If a complete dismissal is not possible, your lawyer can help you reduce the severity of your DUI charges. Your lawyer can negotiate a lighter charge, such as wet reckless driving if you have no prior history of such drunk driving.